The prerequisites for Confirmation and Eucharist are:
1. Faith has taken deep root and they are strong in the Christian daily life (RCIA 401)
2. Seeks forgiveness of their sins and the healing of their weakness, and have celebrated the sacrament of penance (RCIA 408) sometime after the 2nd Sunday of Lent
3. Attends Mass at least every Sunday, learns the Word of God, and joins their brothers and sisters in prayer (RCIA 413)
4. Appreciates the Church's tradition and universal character (RCIA 435)
5. Faithfully listens to the apostles' instruction proclaimed by the Church
6. Has a deep appreciation of their baptism, in which they were joined to Christ and His Church. Has submitted a certificate of Baptism.
7. Is advanced in a life of love and service of others
8. Is mature in faith and understanding for a fuller life in the community (RCIA 460)