Discernment for readiness of the Rite of Election (RCIA 120):
1. Conversion in mind: self-reflection and repentance
2. Conversion in action: independently seeks out personal formation
3. Developed sufficient acquaintance with Christian teaching- have completed Journey of Faith catechism
4. A spirit of faith: become Christ-centered instead of rebellious and self-centered
5. A spirit of charity: practice love of neighbor even at cost of self-renunciation
6. Deliberately intends to receive sacraments: relationship is now with God and not with community, preaching, music, or building
7. Reorder of one's life: desires relationships with other Christians
8. Take an active part in the responses, prayers, singing, and acclamations (RCIA 9)
10. Inspires apostolic activity: invites others into the Christian life (RCIA 78)
11. Turns to God more in prayer: daily prayer (RCIA 75)
12. Follows supernatural inspirations: discerns gifts and vocation (RCIA 75)
13. Experiences the joy that God gives (RCIA 75)